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Mitigating Racial And Ethnic Bias And Advancing Health Equity In Clinical Algorithms: A Scoping Review.

Journal Article Health Aff (Millwood) · October 2023 In August 2022 the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking prohibiting covered entities, which include health care providers and health plans, from discriminating against individuals when using clinical algorith ... Full text Link to item Cite

Observability and its impact on differential bias for clinical prediction models.

Journal Article J Am Med Inform Assoc · April 13, 2022 OBJECTIVE: Electronic health records have incomplete capture of patient outcomes. We consider the case when observability is differential across a predictor. Including such a predictor (sensitive variable) can lead to algorithmic bias, potentially exacerba ... Full text Link to item Cite

Robotic Roux en Y gastric bypass can be safe and cost-effective in a rural setting: clinical outcomes from a community hospital bariatric program.

Journal Article Journal of robotic surgery · December 2021 Robotic Roux en Y gastric bypass (R-RYGB) is becoming more common due to the shifting trend toward robotic gastrointestinal surgery. The goal of this study is to determine if R-RYGB can be safely implemented at a robotic bariatric surgery program in a comm ... Full text Cite

Peel learning for pathway-related outcome prediction.

Journal Article Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) · November 2021 MotivationTraditional regression models are limited in outcome prediction due to their parametric nature. Current deep learning methods allow for various effects and interactions and have shown improved performance, but they typically need to be t ... Full text Cite

Preprocurement In Situ Donor Lung Tissue Gene Expression Classifies Primary Graft Dysfunction Risk.

Journal Article American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine · October 2020 Full text Cite