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Michelle Johnson

Consultant Associate in the Department of Pathology
Department of Pathology, DUMC 3712, Durham, NC 27710

Teaching Activities

Instructor, PATHASST204 Introduction to Practical Anatomic Pathology Techniques 2021
Preceptor, PATHASST221/321/331 Duke Surgical Pathology 2021-22
Co-Instructor, PATHASST359 Laboratory Technologies and Management 2021
Instructor, PATHASST204 Introduction to Practical Anatomic Pathology Techniques 2022
Co-Instructor, PATHASST359 Laboratory Technologies and Management 2022
Co-Instructor, PATHASST390 Senior Seminar 2022
Co-Instructor, PATHASST203 Neuroscience and the Autopsy 2023
Instructor, PATHASST204 Introduction to Practical Anatomic Pathology Techniques 2023
Co-Instructor, PATHASST359 Laboratory Technologies and Management 2023
Co-Instructor, PATHASST390 Senior Seminar 2023
Co-Instructor, PATHASST203 Neuroscience and the Autopsy 2024