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John Wills Moses Jr.

Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Pediatrics, General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health
Box 3675 Med Ctr, Durham, NC 27710
3116 N Duke St, Durham, NC 27704


My research interests have focused on exploring various health and social issues through the perspective of documentary photography. In recent years I have contributed photographs to books about adolescent parents and primary care. I am currently working on a project about gun-inflicted injuries. I am also at work on a book that will present photographs made by children coping with chronic illness.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Associate Professor of Pediatrics · 2021 - Present Pediatrics, General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health, Pediatrics
Associate of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society · 2018 - Present Duke Science & Society, University Initiatives & Academic Support Units

Education, Training & Certifications

Medical University of South Carolina, College of Medicine · 1983 M.D.