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Nancy MacLean

William H. Chafe Distinguished Professor of History and Public Policy
Dept of History, Box 90719, Durham, NC 27708
334 Classroom Bldg, Durham, NC 27708
Office hours Late afternoons, by appointment.  

Advising & Mentoring

Current graduate students:

Amanda Hughett, “"Silencing the Cell Block: The Making of Modern Prison Administration in North Carolina and the Nation, 1968-1996",” ABD, in progress; now a Law and Social Sciences Dissertation Fellow at the American Bar Foundation in Chicago

Will Goldsmith, “Kids, the New Cash Crop: Educating for Economic Development in North Carolina’s Black Belt, 1965–2000,” ABD, in progress

Tiffany Holland, “’United by Blood, Color, and Flag’: Imperial Blackness and the U.S. Virgin Islands,” ABD, in progress 

Eladio Bobadilla, “‘One People without Borders’: The Chicano Roots of the Immigrants Rights Movement, 1954-1994,” ABD, in progress

Hannah Ontiveros, “The Personal Is Imperial: The American Legion Auxiliary’s En-Gendering of Cold War Politics in the Korean War,” currently preparing portfolio for defense

Previous PhD advisees with dissertation topics and current positions:

Michele Mitchell, “Adjusting the Race: Gender, Sexuality and the Question of African-American Destiny, 1870-1930,” Ph.D. 1998, now associate professor, New York University

Steven Reich, “The Making of a Southern Sawmill World: Race, Class and Rural Transformation in the Piney Woods of East Texas,” Ph.D. 1999, now professor, James Madison University

Wallace Best, “Passionately Human, No Less Divine: Racial Ideology and Religious Culture in the Black Churches of Chicago, 1915-1963,” Ph.D. 2000, now professor, African American Studies and Religion Departments, Princeton University

Leslie Dunlap, “In the Name of the Home : Temperance Women and Southern Grass-roots Politics, 1873-1933,” Ph.D. 2001, now visiting professor, Willamette University

Charlotte Brooks, “Ascending California’s Racial Hierarchy: Asian Americans, Housing and Government, 1920-1955,” Ph.D. 2002, now professor, Baruch College-CUNY

Marisa Chappell, “From Welfare Rights to Welfare Reform: The Politics of AFDC, 1964-1984,” Ph.D. 2002, finalist for Lerner-Scott Prize; now associate professor, Oregon State University

Anastasia Mann, “All for One, but Most for Some: Veteran Politics and the Shaping of the WelfareState during the World War II Era," Ph.D. 2003; now Director of the Program on Immigration and Democracy, Rutgers University

Karen Leroux, “Veterans of the Schools: Women’s Work in U.S. Public Education, 1866-1902,” Ph.D. 2005, now associate professor, Drake University

Brett Gadsden, “‘All We Wanted Was a Bus for the Colored’: The Ironies of School Desegregation in Delaware, 1948-1978,” Ph.D. 2006, now associate professor, Northwestern University

Erik Gellman, “Death Blow to Jim Crow: The National Negro Congress, 1936-1948,” Ph.D. 2006, co-winner Harold Perkin Prize for best dissertation; now associate professor, Roosevelt University

Jarod Roll, “Road to the Promised Land: Rural Grassroots Struggles for Economic Justice in the New Cotton South, 1890-1945,” Ph.D. 2006, awarded the Labor History Best Dissertation Prize and the Herbert Gutman Prize of the Labor and Working Class History Association and finalist, C. Vann Woodward Prize, Southern Historical Association; now associate professor, University of Mississippi

Crystal Sanders, “To Be Free of Fear: Mississippi Black Women and Head Start, 1965-1967,” Ph.D., 2011, awarded the C. Vann Woodward Prize, Southern Historical Association, and the Claude A. Eggertsen Dissertation Prize from the History of Education Society; now associate professor, Penn State University

Rebecca Marchiel, "'To Make This City Viable Again': National People's Action and Urban Reinvestment, 1968-1989," PhD, June 2015, now assistant professor, University of Mississippi                 

Alexander Gourse, “The Containment of Public Interest Law and the Undermining of the Liberal State in Ronald Reagan’s California, 1964-1988,” PhD, June 2015, then JD from Stanford Law School, now clerking for federal Judge Rebecca Pallmeyer in the Northern District of Illinois

Scovill Currin, Jr. "An Army of the Willing: Fayette'Nam, Soldier Dissent, and the End of Soldier Dissent, 1968-2005,” Ph.D. 2015, now Col., US Air Force, and Commander, 437th Operations Group, Joint Base Charleston, S.C. 

Jonathon Free, “Redistributing Risk: The Political Ecology of Coal in Late-Twentieth Century Appalachia,” Ph.D. 2016, now postdoctoral associate, Energy Initiative, Duke University