Current Appointments & Affiliations
Previous Appointments & Affiliations
Leadership & Clinical Positions at Duke
Clinical Vice-Chair, Department of Neurosurgery
Vice-Chair and Medical Director, Quality, Department of Neurosurgery
Interim Director, Neurosurgery Adult Spine Fellowship
Neurosurgery Medical Director, Spine Clinic 1B/1C
Neuroscience Clinical Director, Duke Hospital
Inpatient Medical Director, 4100 Spine Unit
Neurosurgery Co-Director, Duke Spine Center
Chair, Duke Spine Center Operations Committee
Chair, Duke Spine Center Quality Committee
Co-Chair, Duke Spine Center Executive Committee
Neurosurgery Leader, PDC Outcomes Research Team
Neurosurgery Leader, PDC Revenue Champion Council
Neurosurgery Leader, PDC Clinical Affairs/ Vice-Chairs Committee
Neurosurgery Clinical Department Performance Review
Neurosurgery Leader, Duke Health System Mortality Leadership Council
Duke Clinical Leader, National Neurosurgery Quality and Outcomes Database
Duke Clinical Leader, American Spine Registry Database
Duke Hospital Credential Committee
Neurosurgery Leader, Duke Hospital CSU/ Medical Directors Meeting
Chair, Duke Neurosurgery Quality/Patient Satisfaction Group
Chair, Duke Neurosurgery Visibility and Reputation Group
Spine Chair, Duke Spine and Total Joint Research Group
Spine Clinic Operations Governance Council
Neurosciences Operational Excellence
Neurosciences and Hospital USNWR Mortality Committee
PDC Access Champion Meeting
PDC Quality Reporting Workgroup
Interviews for Duke School of Medicine
School of Medicine Third Year Medical Student Research Mentor
Clinical and research mentor to multiple medical students and residents
Member, Neurosurgery Core Clinical Faculty Committee
Member, Spine Niche Committee
PDC Quality Reporting Workgroup
Neurosurgery access champion for hospital
Green Belt Committee on Ambulation
Duke Spine Steering Committee
CSU Medical Directors Committee, Duke University
Neurosurgery Departmental Appointments, Promotion and tenure (review) Committee
Neurosurgery Review & Chair Search Committee
Duke NSQIP Collaborative Group
High Value Clinical Consensus Committee
Spine Value Based Care/ Spine Modelling, Member
Chair, Spine Strategic Planning Quality Committee
Co-director for Appropriate Use Committee care redesign, Imaging and Spine