I am a Professor of Political Science (Political Economy) at Duke University. My work focuses on different aspects of the political economy of inequality and redistribution.
I have paid particular attention to the territorial dimension of distributive conflicts, trying to understand why some political unions redistribute more than others around the world. A second line of work focuses on the origins of the fiscal capacity of the state and its implications for distributive politics today. Within this line of inquiry, I am particularly interested in the causes and consequences of different tax structures across space and time. I also have a long standing interest in the linkages between economic and political inequalities, particularly focused on the political economy of electoral turnout. Finally, I have recently started a new project on the political determinants of income mobility.
I have paid particular attention to the territorial dimension of distributive conflicts, trying to understand why some political unions redistribute more than others around the world. A second line of work focuses on the origins of the fiscal capacity of the state and its implications for distributive politics today. Within this line of inquiry, I am particularly interested in the causes and consequences of different tax structures across space and time. I also have a long standing interest in the linkages between economic and political inequalities, particularly focused on the political economy of electoral turnout. Finally, I have recently started a new project on the political determinants of income mobility.
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Professor of Political Science
2018 - Present
Political Science,
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Chair of the Department of Political Science
2022 - Present
Political Science,
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Education, Training & Certifications
University of Oxford (United Kingdom) ·