I am a social psychologist interested in the affective and motivational determinants and consequences of religious/spiritual practices and beliefs. I am also active in the domains of happiness/positive psychology, meditation, health behavior maintenance, and intergroup relations. See my Belief, Affect, and Behavior Lab webpage for more information (https://sites.duke.edu/bablab/).
I am also the Director of the Interdisciplinary Behavioral Research Center (IBRC). The IBRC is an experimental research lab that manages and administers a variety of resources to Duke researchers engaged in social and behavioral science. The IBRC offers free research space (5,000 square feet of group and individual testing rooms equipped with computers), ample free parking, access to a large community participant pool, staff support, and research grants. See ibrc.duke.edu for more information.
I am also the Director of the Interdisciplinary Behavioral Research Center (IBRC). The IBRC is an experimental research lab that manages and administers a variety of resources to Duke researchers engaged in social and behavioral science. The IBRC offers free research space (5,000 square feet of group and individual testing rooms equipped with computers), ample free parking, access to a large community participant pool, staff support, and research grants. See ibrc.duke.edu for more information.
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Assistant Research Professor in the Social Science Research Institute
2021 - Present
Social Science Research Institute,
University Institutes and Centers
Assistant Research Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
2021 - Present
Psychology & Neuroscience,
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
Education, Training & Certifications
Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) ·