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Paul A. Baker

Professor Emeritus of Earth and Climate Science
Earth and Climate Sciences
Box 90328, Durham, NC 27708
9 Circuit Drive, 5116 Grainger Hall, Durham, NC 27708


For the past several years, I have been pursuing the goal of understanding climate change on time-scales from decades to millions of years. I am particularly interested in what forces natural climate variability, how past climates have influenced the ecology and diversity of organisms in the tropics, as well as how climate change and other human activities will affect the eventual fate of these organisms.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor Emeritus of Earth and Climate Science · 2023 - Present Earth and Climate Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment

Education, Training & Certifications

University of California, San Diego · 1981 Ph.D.
Pennsylvania State University · 1975 M.S.
University of Rochester · 1973 B.A.