Selected Presentations & Appearances
Schubert's Greek Lyre: Epic heroes in Romantic Lieder
· November 30, 2010
American Philological Association, San Antonio
Ambition, Public and Private, in Aristophanes' Birds and Euripides' Phoenician Women
· August 10, 2009
Oxford University
Dramma e democrazia nel quinto secolo a.C.: A cycle of six lectures given as Visiting Professor (short term): A cycle of six lectures given as Visiting Professor (short term)
· July 1, 2008
Università di Cagliari (Sardinia)
Service to the Profession
Co-organizer : Translatable: Creativity and Knowledge Formation Across Cultures, an interdisciplinary conference on the poetics and pragmatics of literary translatio
January 13, 2009
Event/Organization Administration
Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill