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Peter H. Wood

Professor Emeritus of History
Box 90719, Durham, NC 27708-0719
226 Classroom Bldg, Durham, NC 27708


I have always been interested in early American history and in the interactions of diverse cultures. My undergraduate honors paper at Harvard in 1964 dealt with the Puritans' relations with the Indians, and my doctoral thesis there focused on African Americans in South Carolina before 1740. Since coming to Duke in 1975, I have taught Colonial American History and Native American History, as well as a course on the History of Documentary Film. Long term interests in race relations and in American painting led me to collaborate with art historian Karen Dalton in 1988 on an exhibition and a related book concerning Winslow Homer's images of Blacks. Time spent as the department's Director of Graduate Studies (1988-95) and as one of the professors in the U.S. Survey class (History 91D) has made me increasingly interested in the ways we learn and teach American history. Perhaps for this reason, I have always been actively involved as a humanities advisor on diverse public history projects and as a board member with a variety of grassroots organizations and mainstream institutions. I am a lead author for the US survey textbook, Created Equal, which is now in its second edition.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor Emeritus of History · 2008 - Present History, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Education, Training & Certifications

Harvard University · 1972 Ph.D.
University of Oxford (United Kingdom) · 1966 B.A.
Harvard University · 1964 B.A.