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Raquel Salvatella de Prada

Associate Professor of the Practice of Art, Art History & Visual Studies
Art, Art History & Visual Studies
Box 90766, Durham, NC 27708
114 S. Buchanan Blvd, Smith Warehouse [BAY12, Room 218], Durham, NC 27708
Office hours Monday-Wednesday: 1:00-2:30pm  

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Practices of Liberation in the Era of Mass Deportation, Incarceration, and Displacement - Encuentro: The World Inside Out 2019: Humor, Noise, and Performance · June 2019 International Meeting or Conference Mexico City, Mexico
Art and migration (cornered) · May 2019 Invited Talk Universidad de Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Chile
Migration Panel Discussion: "What is Duke at Home in the World? · November 2018 Instructional Course, Workshop, or Symposium Duke University, Durham, NC
Ruby Arts Projects: Raquel Salvatella de Prada's Cornered · September 2018 Interview Duke Arts,
Cornered - Ruby Fridays · September 2018 Lecture Rubenstein Arts Center, Duke University, Durham, NC
Cornered - Art & Migration around Europe Speaker Series · February 2018 Instructional Course, Workshop, or Symposium in Transit, Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University, Durham, NC
Do you Duke Arts? panel discussion - Duke Arts & Humanities Open House · October 17, 2015 Other Undergraduate Admissions, Baldwin Auditorium, East Campus, Duke University

Open House specifically for high school juniors and seniors who are specifically interested in Duke’s arts and humanities programs to give them a better sense of what it’s like to be an undergraduate student pursuing their interests at Duke and encourage them to apply to Duke and ultimately, positively influence their decision to attend Duke if they are admitted later on in the application cycle. Invitations were sent to students from all over the country who expressed interest in arts & humanities fields of study. They were allowed to bring parents and other family members to the event.

From Textbooks to Playlists: The rise of Multimodal Learning - CIT Showcase 2015 · October 13, 2015 Other CIT, Bostock 127, The Edge, Duke University

Colleges and universities are considering adding video making, or visual literacy, as a core skill. Preparing students for a highly visual communication landscape that requires critical thinking to offset consumerism requires multimodal learning and cognitive skills. Researching, creating, and sharing video playlists is an important way to create personalized learning pathways and promote continuous learning. Join us to see a number of case studies that demonstrate the positive learning outcomes of multimodal learning in academic and corporate settings and discover how to create playlists that can be annotated, edited, and shared across teams.

veoveo, children at play - Digital Humanities Initiative showcase Conversations in the Digital Humanities at Duke · October 2, 2015 Other Presented by the Digital Humanities Initiative at the Franklin Humanities Institute, the Wired! Lab, the PhD Lab in Digital Knowledge, and HASTAC@Duke, FHI Garage, Bay 4, Smith Warehouse, Duke University

Short presentations of digital projects that focus on the tools being used and various research themes. These highlights are the point of departure for further discussion and making connections between digital scholars at Duke.

In the Process: Technology, Liveness & Stage/Screen Synthesis - CHAT Festival, Duke Univesity · February 9, 2012 Other

We discussed recent technological developments that have altered the scope of the performing arts and changed the way it's made and who makes it.

Torry Bend (Theater Studies) and I shared clips from our puppet show The Paper Hat Game. The blend of live action puppetry with video was hard to managed but were able to make it work. The success created another challenge later on, when documenting the show using video — the mix of live and recorded elements that was so rich and exciting in Sheafer Theater tended to look too flat on the screen. A suggestion from Randy Riddle (Office of Information Technology) of using 3D cameras could solve this problem.

Outreach & Engaged Scholarship

Bass Connections Team Leader - Arts and the Anthropocene: Crisis and Resilience in North Carolina Waterways · 2020 - 2021 Projects & Field Work flag North Carolina Bass Connections Open

Service to the Profession

Jury - What is Good Art? · April 2012 Other Kenan Institute of Ethics, Duke University

Jury for art competition exploring the intersection of ethics and aesthetics. Kenan Institute of Ethics.

Design Consultant - CHAT FESTIVAL 2012 · January 2012 - March 2012 Event/Organization Administration Duke University

Supervising with logo design, posters and flyers.