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R. Larry Todd

Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Music
Box 90665, Durham, NC 27708-0665
081 Mary Duke Biddle, Durham, NC

Exhibitions, Screenings, & Performances

R. Larry Todd: Chamber Music Performances, 2011

Nelson Hall · November 2, 2011 Brahms Violin Sonata, Op. 78, with Katharina Uhde. Duke Faculty Concert

R. Larry Todd: Chamber Music Performances, 2011

Carol Woods, Chapel Hill · October 12, 2011 Brahms Violin Sonatas, Op. 78, 100, and 108, with Katharina Uhde

R. Larry Todd: Chamber Music Performances, 2011

Duke Gardens · July 27, 2011 Brahms, Violin Sonatas Op. 78 and 108, with Eric Pritchard

R. Larry Todd: Chamber Music Performances, 2011

Forest at Duke · April 22, 2011 Mendelssohn Cello Sonatas, Op. 45 and 58, with Nancy Green

R. Larry Todd: Chamber Music Performances, 2011

Carol Woods, Chapel Hill · April 20, 2011 Mendelssohn Cello Sonatas, Op. 45 and 58, with Nancy Green,

R. Larry Todd: Chamber Music Performances, 2011

Carolina Meadows · April 17, 2011 Mendelssohn Cello Sonatas, Op. 45 and 58, with Nancy Green

R. Larry Todd: Performances, 2000 - 2007

Appalachian State · October 21, 2007 A concert of solo Lieder, duets, and piano music of Mendelssohn and his sister Fanny Hensel, with Penny Jensen and Mary Gayle Greene (Appalachian State University). The concert was given at Appalachian State on October 21 and at Duke on October 28.

R. Larry Todd: Performances, 2000 - 2007

Appalachian State, Duke · October 21, 2007 - October 28, 2007 A concert of solo Lieder, duets, and piano music of Mendelssohn and his sister Fanny Hensel, with Penny Jensen and Mary Gayle Greene (Appalachian State University). The concert was given at Appalachian State on October 21 and at Duke on October 28.

R. Larry Todd: Performances, 2000 - 2007

Baldwin Auditorium · February 3, 2006 Performance of Mendelssohn's Allegro brillant Op. 92 and selected pieces from the Midsummer Night's Dream Incidental Music Op. 61 with Jane Hawkins on a two-piano concert

R. Larry Todd: Performances, 2000 - 2007

Duke University and Pinehurst, North Carolina · January 1, 2000 - February 1, 2000

R. Larry Todd: Performances, 1982 - 1989

Amherst College · December 1, 1989

R. Larry Todd: Performances, 1982 - 1989

Duke University · April 1, 1982 Reconstructed from the autograph sketches

Artistic Works

R. Larry Todd: Chamber Music Performances, 2011

Musical Performance Repertoire Portfolio January 1, 2011

R. Larry Todd: Performances, 2000 - 2007

Musical Performance January 1, 2007

R. Larry Todd: Performances, 1990 - 1999

Musical Performance January 1, 1999

R. Larry Todd: Performances, 1982 - 1989

Musical Performance January 1, 1989

R. Larry Todd: Performances, 1972 - 1979

Musical Performance January 1, 1979