Teaching Activities
10/2023: Presentation for NC-PAL Lunch and Learn series. Created and presented to primary care professionals on caring for youth with anxiety in primary care clinic, including assessment, initiation of treatment, and responses to issues in treatment.
9/2023: Presentation for AMH+ (Advanced Medical Home). Created and presented to case managers for the AMH+ program on mental health care system in North Carolina and various levels of care.
8/2023: Presentation for Sharing Stories. Attended a panel discussion for the residents discussing handling personal struggles during training and in the early stages of career.
8/2023: Presentation for NC-PAL Lunch and Learn series. Created and presented to primary care professionals on caring for youth with depression in primary care clinic, including assessment, initiation of treatment, and responses to issues in treatment.
7/2023 – Current: Rotation Director for the PGY2 general psychiatry residents and child and adolescent psychiatry fellows for the pediatric child and adolescent consultation and liaison rotation. Organize rotation objectives and oversee residents and fellows during their time on service.
7/2023- Current: Member of the Committee for General Psychiatry education. Attend regular meetings to discuss, review, and update educational components of the residency program.
7/2023- Current: Member of the Committee for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry fellowship education. Attend regular meetings to discuss, review, and update educational components of the fellowship.
7/2023: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Seminar. Created and presented seminar for the child and adolescent psychiatry fellows on separate occasions about the service, and approaches to agitation and aggression in the child and adolescent population.
4/2021 – 1/2023: Course Director for the PGY2, PGY3 and PGY4 Subspeciality Course for UNC Health Care Psychiatry. Organized year long course for the three general resident classes; created curriculum and lead several lectures.
7/2019 – 1/2023: Course Director Child and Adolescent Fellow Core Didactics. Created curriculum for the didactic series of core lecture series for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellows at UNC Health Care.
7/2019 – 4/2021: Course Director for the PGY2 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Didactics at UNC Health Care. Created curriculum and presentations for the didactic series related to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for the PGY2 general residents at UNC.
7/2019 – 1/2023: Psychodynamic Therapy Supervisor. Supervising and review of psychotherapy cases with PGY2 and PGY3 residents at UNC Health Care.
7/2019 – 7/2022: Course Director for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Elective for UNC medical students. Organize and coordinate elective for fourth year medical students who are enrolled in an elective on the child psychiatry inpatient service.