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Sarah Blodgett Bermeo

Associate Professor in the Sanford School of Public Policy
Sanford School of Public Policy
Box 90312, Durham, NC 27708-0245
268 Rubenstein Hall, Box 90312, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Publications

Strategic donor behaviour and country vulnerability in health aid transitions.

Journal Article BMJ global health · November 2023 BackgroundWhen countries reach the middle-income threshold, many multilateral donors, including Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi), begin to withdraw their official development assistance (ODA), known as graduation. We hypothesised that bilateral d ... Full text Open Access Cite

Targeted development: Industrialized country strategy in a globalizing world

Book · January 1, 2018 Industrialized states find it increasingly difficult to insulate themselves from spillovers associated with underdevelopment abroad. In a globalizing world many concerns caused or enhanced by underdevelopment-migration, political instability, violence, ref ... Full text Cite

Aid allocation and targeted development in an increasingly connected world

Journal Article International Organization · January 1, 2017 Aid donors pursue a strategy of targeted development with regard to recipient states. The determinants of aid allocation have shifted significantly. Industrialized states are increasingly unable to insulate themselves from spillovers caused by underdevelop ... Full text Cite

Aid Is Not Oil: Donor Utility, Heterogeneous Aid, and the Aid-Democratization Relationship

Journal Article International Organization · June 1, 2015 Recent articles conclude that foreign aid, like other nontax resources, inhibits political change in authoritarian regimes. This article challenges both the negative political effects of aid and the similarity of aid to other resources. It develops a model ... Full text Open Access Cite

Migration and Foreign Aid

Journal Article International Organization · May 11, 2015 When it comes to linkages between migration and the global allocation of foreign development assistance, the size of the immigrant population from a recipient country residing in a donor country is an important determinant of dyadic aid commitments. Two co ... Full text Cite

Foreign Aid and Regime Change: A Role for Donor Intent

Journal Article World Development · November 1, 2011 This paper uses data from the AidData project to analyze the association between foreign aid and the likelihood of democratization in aid recipients. Previous studies have argued that aid can entrench dictatorships, making a transition less likely. I find ... Full text Cite

Who files? Developing country participation in GATT/WTO adjudication

Journal Article Journal of Politics · July 1, 2009 The potential for international law to reduce power asymmetries depends on weaker countries learning to navigate the legal system. This paper examines the use of courts by developing countries to defend their trade interests. Power relations and low capaci ... Full text Cite