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Shailesh Chandrasekharan

Professor of Physics


Prof. Chandrasekharan is interested in understanding quantum field theories non-perturbatively from first principles calculations. His research focuses on lattice formulations of these theories with emphasis on strongly correlated fermionic systems of interest in condensed matter, particle and nuclear physics. He develops novel Monte-Carlo algorithms to study these problems. He is particularly excited about solutions to the notoriously difficult sign problem that haunts quantum systems containing fermions and gauge fields. He has proposed an idea called the fermion bag approach, using which he has been able to solve numerous sign problems that seemed unsolvable earlier. Using various algorithmic advances over the past decade, he is interested in understanding the properties of quantum critical points containing interacting fermions. Some of his recent publications can be found here. Recently he is exploring how one can use quantum computers to solve quantum field theories.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor of Physics · 2018 - Present Physics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Education, Training & Certifications

Columbia University · 1996 Ph.D.
Columbia University · 1994 M.Phil.
Columbia University · 1992 M.A.
Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai (India) · 1989 B.S.