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Chadmark L. Schoen

Professor of Mathematics
Box 90320, Durham, NC 27708-0320
191 Physics Bldg, 120 Science Drive Box 90320, Durham, NC 27708
Office hours Monday 3:30-4:30 and Friday 4:00-5:00
or by appointment  


I work on the geometry and arithmetic of figures defined by polynomial equations. I am especially interested in the geometry of algebraic curves, surfaces, threefolds and fourfolds over the complex numbers, over numbers fields, over finite fields, over fields of transcendence degree one over finite fields and over discrete valuation rings with perfect residue field. More specifically I study elliptic surfaces, elliptic threefolds, Calabi-Yau varieties, abelian varieties and surfaces of general type. I am interested in Chow groups of algebraic varieties and the relationship between a variety's Chow group and its arithmetic and geometric properties.

Current Appointments & Affiliations

Professor of Mathematics · 1998 - Present Mathematics, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Education, Training & Certifications

The University of Chicago · 1982 Ph.D.
Haverford College · 1975 B.A.