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Stephanie Sieburth

Professor Emeritus of Romance Studies
Romance Studies
Box 90257, Durham, NC 27708-0257
219D Language Center, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Publications

Survival songs: Conchita Piquer’s coplas and Franco’s regime of terror

Book · January 1, 2014 How can a song help the hungry and persecuted to survive? Stephanie Sieburth’s Survival Songs explores how a genre of Spanish popular music, the copla, as sung by legendary performer Conchita Piquer, helped Republican sympathizers to survive the Franco reg ... Cite

Copla y supervivencia: Conchita Piquer, "Tatuaje," y el duelo de los vencidos

Journal Article Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares · December 2011 Cite

Coplas and survival: Conchita piquer, "Tatuaje", and the mourning of the defeatednts

Journal Article Revista de Dialectologia y Tradiciones Populares · July 1, 2011 The present study is a reading of "Tatuaje" (1941), the most famous copla of Conchita Piquer, in the context of Franco's mass graves. Several intellectuals who grew up during the postwar period in Spain have attested to the passion with which the defeated ... Full text Cite

No title to date

Other · 2004 Cite

The conversation I never had with Carmen Martín Gaite

Journal Article Revista de Estudios Hispanicos · January 1, 2002 Cite

The Conversation I Never Had with Carmen Martín Gaite

Journal Article Revista de estudios hispánicos · 2002 Cite

La regenta as quixotic novel: Imitation and intertextuality

Journal Article Romance Quarterly · January 1, 1988 Full text Cite