Book · 2012
"Locating China in Global History: Politics and Paradigms from the Cold War to the Beijing Olympics" Intellectual and political history of categories of knowledge production focusing on the fundamental shifts in the historiography of capitalism and the civ ...
Chapter · 2012
The dual face of globalization is made up of on one side with the trend towards economic integration, the internet, and free-floating capital, and cultural-political racial neo-nationalisms and the fencing off of borders on the other. How has this dual dyn ...
OtherFrom Orientalism to Postcolonialism: Asia, Europe and the Lineages of Difference · September 15, 2009
This book uses a historical and theoretical focus to examine the key of issues of the Enlightenment, Orientalism, concepts of identity and difference, and the contours of different modernities in relation to both local and global shaping forces, including ...
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Journal ArticleInternational Review of Social History · April 1, 2007
Migration has been a central concern of many areas in the writing of European history, and even more so when dealing with the histories of the white settler colonies of North America, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. In contrast, migration oversea ...
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Book · March 31, 2003
Emphasizing the continued salience at the beginning of the twenty-first century of these supposedly nineteenth-century ideas, the essays in this volume stress the importance of tracking the dynamic ways that race, Orient, and nation have ... ...
Journal ArticleSouth Asia Bulletin · January 1, 1994
Half of this issue of the journal contains a specially edited section of recent work on identity politics in several countries. The papers are: Islamic fundamentalism reconsidered (Pt II); Somalia - an illusory political nation state; and the politics of r ...