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Service to the Profession

National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP) Application Feedback · 2023 Consulting
Research Mentor · 2023 Professional Development Duke University,

Hillary Okpeseyi, Carlie Scheer, Sunny Zhu, Maria Brown 2023 – Present
Project Title: “Motivation control beliefs and their impact on strategic self-regulation and well-being”

Jakob Jedrysek, Janosch Rumpf, Sunny Zhu, and Maria Brown 2023 – Present
Project Title: “Secondary cognitive appraisal factors and goal orientation affect students’ physiological response to stressors and failure”

Research Mentor · 2021 - 2023 Professional Development University of Arizona,

Neryanne Jinon 2022 – 2023
Project Title: “Expertise affects response times and post-error slowing in high-stress decision-making”
An Nguyen, Honors Thesis Co-Advisor (with Kate Alexander, PhD) 2022 – 2023
Project Title: “Impacts of music and emotion on decision-making”
Shelby Lambert and Shayne Montgomery 2021 – 2023
Project Title: “Blink rates and post-error slowing under real-world decision-making in the high-stress game show Mastermind”
Israel Aispuro 2021 – 2022
Project Title: “Spontaneous eyeblink rates and response times in game show decision-making”

Service to Duke

Graduate Panelist . Prospective Graduate Student Interviews · January 2024 Event Attendance Duke University Department of Psychology & Neuroscience ,
Graduate Panelist . Annual Graduate Student Information Session · October 2023 Event Attendance Duke University Department of Psychology & Neuroscience ,