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Tamara J. Somers

Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Behavioral Medicine & Neurosciences
Box 102506, Durham, NC 27710
2400 Pratt Street, North Pavilion, 7 Floor, Room 7046, Durham, NC 27705

Selected Grants

Next-generation SMARTs for Discovery and Evaluation of Sequential Cancer Therapeutic Strategies

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2023 - 2028

Development of a program to assess and treat distress in glaucoma patients using an automated EHR-derived AI algorithm

ResearchCollaborator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2024 - 2027

Duke ACS Institutional Research Grant

ResearchSignificant Contributor · Awarded by American Cancer Society, Inc. · 2024 - 2026

Text-messaging Communication Micro-Intervention for Couples Coping with Advanced GI Cancer

FellowshipCo-Mentor · Awarded by National Cancer Institute · 2023 - 2026

Improving Quality of Life in SLE by Stratified Personalized Health Planning

ResearchCollaborator · Awarded by Department of Defense · 2022 - 2026

Improving Multimodal Physical Function in Adults with Heterogeneous Chronic Pain; Multi-Site Feasibility RCT

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by Massachusetts General Hospital · 2022 - 2025

Using a SMART Design to Optimize PTSD Symptom Management Strategies Among Cancer Survivors

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2019 - 2025

Initial Testing of a Mobile App Pain Coping Intervention for Outpatient Oncology Settings

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2023 - 2025

An mHealth Symptom Management Intervention for Colorectal Cancer Patients

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by American Cancer Society, Inc. · 2021 - 2024

Improving Symptom Management for Survivors of Young Adult Cancer

ResearchCollaborator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2019 - 2024

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Skills Training for Metastatic Lung Cancer Patients

FellowshipPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2021 - 2024

Palliative Care Research Cooperative Group (PCRC) Refinement and Expansion

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by University of Colorado - Denver · 2018 - 2023

Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Sleep in Cancer

FellowshipCo-Sponsor · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2021 - 2023

Meaning-Centered Pain Coping Skills Training for Patients with Advanced Cancer: A Randomized Pilot Trial

ResearchCo-Mentor · Awarded by National Palliative Care Research Center · 2020 - 2022

Optimizing Delivery of a Behavioral Cancer Pain Intervention Using a SMART

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2016 - 2022

Symptom Clusters in Systemic Sclerosis

FellowshipCo-Sponsor · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2020 - 2021

Palliative Care Research Cooperative Group (PCRC): Refinement and Expansion-Administrative Supplement

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus · 2019 - 2020

Meaning-centered Psychotherapy and Pain Coping Skills in Advanced Cancer

FellowshipCo-Sponsor · Awarded by American Cancer Society, Inc. · 2017 - 2020

Behavioral Weight and Symptom Management for Breast Cancer Survivors and Partners

FellowshipCo-Sponsor · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2015 - 2018

Pain Coping Skills Training for African Americans with Osteoarthritis

ResearchCo Investigator · Awarded by University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill · 2015 - 2018

Coping Skills for Colorectal Cancer Survivors with Pain and Distress

FellowshipCo-Sponsor · Awarded by American Cancer Society, Inc. · 2015 - 2018

An Accessible Mobile Health Behavioral Intervention for Cancer Pain (mPain)

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by American Cancer Society, Inc. · 2014 - 2018

Refinement and Expansion of the Palliative Care Research Cooperative Group

ResearchInvestigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2013 - 2018

SPeeding Research-tested INTerventions (SPRINT)

ConferencePrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Cancer Institute · 2017 - 2017

Home-Based Tablet Computer Pain Coping Skills Following Stem Cell Transplant

ResearchPrincipal Investigator · Awarded by National Institutes of Health · 2013 - 2015

External Relationships

  • Society of Behavioral Medicine - Annals of Behavioral Medicine
  • University of Wisconsin

This faculty member (or a member of their immediate family) has reported outside activities with the companies, institutions, or organizations listed above. This information is available to institutional leadership and, when appropriate, management plans are in place to address potential conflicts of interest.