2. Impact of histocompatibility and other determinants of alloreactivity on clinical outcomes of unrelated cord blood transplants.
3. Studies to analyse the impact of Killer Immunoglobulin receptors on the outcomes of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation utilizing haploidentical, CD34 selected, familial grafts.
4. Propective longitudinal study of serial monitoring of adenovirus in allogenic transpants(SMAART)patients.
5. Use of mesenchymal stem cells for the treatment of GVHD
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Medical Professor in the Department of Pediatrics
2025 - Present
Pediatrics, Transplant and Cellular Therapy,
Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
2003 - Present
Duke Cancer Institute,
Institutes and Centers
Education, Training & Certifications
Maulana Azad Medical College (India) ·