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Ingeborg C. Walther

Professor of the Practice Emerita of Germanic Languages and Literature
German Studies
Box 90050, Durham, NC 27708-0050
116J Old Chemistry Building, Box 90256, Durham, NC 27708

Selected Presentations & Appearances

Developing Multiple Literacies through Theater in the Undergraduate German Curriculum - ACTFL / AATG Annual Convention · November 2016 - November 2016 Other
Goethe, Romanticism, and the German 'Lied' · October 29, 2011 Lecture University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Goethe-in-Song (Lecture/Recital) · February 28, 2011 Lecture Duke University, also presented at Meredith College and Wake Forest University
Assessing the Undergraduate Major: Some Considerations for Program Design and Development · October 10, 2008 Lecture AAUSC (American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators) German Section Annual Meeting, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Evaluating the Foreign Language Requirement at Duke University · June 28, 2008 Lecture 30th Annual Language Testing Research Colloquium (International Conference), Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
“Curricular Planning along the Fault Line between ‘Instrumental’ and ‘Academic’ Agendas: A Response to the MLA Report: on Foreign Languages and Higher Education: New Structures for a Changed World" · April 3, 2008 Lecture Duke-UNC Works-in-Progress Series, UNC Chapel Hill

Service to the Profession

External Reviewer - Distinguished Senior Lecturer · 2016 Consulting Brown University,
External Reviewer - Shared Course Initiative for teaching less commonly taught languages · December 3, 2014 - December 6, 2014 Consulting Columbia University, Yale University, Cornell University, Columbia University, New York, NY
External Reviewer - Department of German · April 2, 2014 - April 5, 2014 Consulting Vassar College, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
Reader/Evaluator for Foreign Language Annals · 2014 - 2015 Editorial Activities

Referee for submitted articles

Panelist : Preparing for the Job Interview in the Humanities · October 5, 2011 Other Duke University
Elected Representative : Delegate Assembly, Modern Languages Association · 2010 - 2013 Other Modern Languages Association,

Service to the Profession

Reader/Evaluator : Die Unterrichtspraxis · 2009 - 2015 Editorial Activities
Member of Executive Committee of the ADFL (Association of Departments of Foreign Languages) · 2004 - 2007 Committee Service Modern Languages Association, New York, New York

Service to Duke

Imagining the Duke Curriculum (University) · September 2014 Committee Service Duke University, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC

Committee established to review and propose changes to the general education requirements of the Duke undergraduate curriculum.

Liberal Arts in China Committee (University) · 2014 Committee Service Duke-Kunshan-University; Office of Global Strategies and Programs, Duke University, Durham, NC, and Kunshan, China

Committee to establish a full, four-year liberal arts curriculum at Duke-Kunshan-University in China.

Online Advisory Committee (University) · 2012 - 2013 Committee Service Duke University,
Quality and Innovation in Learning and Teaching (University) · 2012 Committee Service Duke University,
Course Evaluation Committee (University) · 2012 - 2013 Committee Service Duke University, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, Duke University

Played significant role in drafting new content and format of end-of-course student evaluation form.

Pre-major advisor · 2012 Other Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, Duke University
Arts & Sciences Faculty Assessment Committee (University) · 2011 Committee Service
Quantitative Studies Review Committee (University) · 2010 - 2011 Committee Service
Trinity College Leadership Group (University) · 2009 Committee Service
A&S Courses Committee (University) · 2007 - 2017 Committee Service Duke University School of Arts & Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC

As Associate Dean of Curriculum and Course Development, I serve on and advise this committee on all course proposals submitted by departments and programs in the Schools of Arts & Sciences, the Nicholas School of the Environment, and the Sanford School of Public Policy.

A&S Curriculum Committee (University) · 2007 - 2017 Committee Service Duke University School of Arts & Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC

As Associate Dean of Curriculum and Course Development, I serve on and advise this committee on undergraduate curricular proposals in the Schools of Arts & Sciences, the Nicholas School of Engineering, and the Sanford School of Public Policy.

Department Chair . Accomplishments for department · 2001 - 2005 Event/Organization Administration Department of Germanic Languages and Literature, Duke University

Other ; I would like to highlight several accomplishments in 2005 for the German department: During the spring semester of 2005, we made considerable progress on our joint Duke-UNC PhD program in German Studies. We held several joint meetings with UNC German Studies faculty, and agreed upon an overall structure for the program, working out many details such as required courses, exam structure, timelines, and strategic hiring plans. Much of the credit for this goes to Ann Marie Rasmussen, who chaired the subcommittee that drafted the original proposals. I am happy to say that our continued efforts to aggressively advertise our graduate program have been successful again this year. Thus far, we have 18 applicants for the fall 2006 class, nearly as many as we had last year, breaking a trend that had been hovering around 10 – 12 for a number of years before that. Our curricular innovations of the last year continue to bear fruit. In particular, we have been able to implement our plan to offer at least one large lecture class taught in English each semester, enabling us to fulfill a part of the educational mission of the University not duplicated in other departments while at the same time providing students with no knowledge of German a gateway into German Studies. Our language program remains strong, and we have been able to attract a larger number of students to our Duke-in-Berlin program than in previous years. Overall enrollments and numbers of majors and minors have increased slightly over previous years. Perhaps our major accomplishment for 2005 has been the successful hire of Bill Donahue, a distinguished scholar of 20th century German literature and culture, who has already had an enormously positive influence on our department. I was especially pleased that the search process went so smoothly, with all department faculty working together in a most collegial and constructive manner. Among the tougher decisions we had to make this year has been the cancellation of our long and well-established Duke-in-Erlangen summer program, due to low student enrollments over the past five years. We worked hard, however, during this past fall semester, to establish a new summer program in Berlin by forming a consortium with Rutgers University in a highly successful program that Bill Donahue established while he was chair of the German department at Rutgers. By being able to offer a wider range of courses, including courses taught in English, we hope to attract larger numbers of students from a variety of disciplines to our new summer program.