Journal ArticlePhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics · May 27, 2008
New data were taken at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory to investigate the plausibility of using low energy deuterons and the B10(d,n)C11 reaction as a portable source of 6.3 MeV neutrons. Analysis of the data at and below incident deuteron ene ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics · April 24, 2008
It is shown that a measurement of the analyzing power obtained with linearly polarized γ-rays and an unpolarized target can provide an indirect determination of two physical quantities. These are the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule integrand for the d ...
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Journal ArticleJournal of Instrumentation · September 15, 2006
Targets of 3,4He implanted into thin aluminum foils (approximately 100, 200 or 600 μg/cm2) were prepared using intense helium beams at low energy (20, 40 or 100 keV). Uniformity was achieved by a beam raster across a tantalum collimator at the rates of 0.1 ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics · July 25, 2006
The B11(d,n)C12 reaction was studied using deuteron beams of 120-160 keV to determine the absolute astrophysical S factors and cross sections for the n0 and n1 neutron groups. The slopes of the S factors are consistent with zero for both the n0 and n1 case ...
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Journal ArticleJournal of Instrumentation · May 5, 2006
We studied electron amplification and light emission from avalanches in oxygen-containing gas mixtures. The mixtures investigated in this work included, among others, CO2 and N2O mixed with Triethylamine (TEA) or N2. Double-Step Parallel Gap (DSPG) multipl ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics · January 1, 2006
The absolute astrophysical S factor and cross section for the Li7(d,n0)Be8 and Li7(d,n1)Be8 reactions have been determined using deuteron beams with energies between 45 and 80 keV. The slope of the S factor is consistent with zero in the n0 case but is sli ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical review letters · January 2005
We investigate the transition from the nucleon-meson to the quark-gluon description of the strong interaction using the photon energy dependence of the d(gamma,p)n differential cross section for photon energies above 0.5 GeV and center-of-mass proton angle ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics · January 1, 2004
Measurements of the polarization asymmetries σ(θ c.m.) and σ(Eγ) of Compton scattering by 16O have been performed in the energy range of 25-40 MeV over a range of scattering angles between 90 and 150°. An analysis of the present data combined with previous ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment · June 1, 2003
We describe the high intensity γ-ray source, which produces nearly monoenergetic γ-ray beams with energies ranging from 2 to 58 MeV, intensities of 105-5 × 108 γ/s, and 100% linear polarization. Upgrades of the facility are in progress to increase the ener ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment · May 1, 2002
First Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence (NRF) experiments were performed at the storage ring FEL-driven High Intensity Gamma Source (HIγS) at the DFELL. Azimuthal NRF intensity ratios were measured around the polarized HIγS beam. Electric character was deduce ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Physics · January 2002
A review of the evidence on the properties of the nuclei
A=5,6 and 7, with emphasis on material leading to
information about the structure of the A=5,6,7 systems. ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical review letters · February 2001
New cross sections for the reaction e p-->e p eta are reported for total center of mass energy W = 1.5--1.86 GeV and invariant momentum transfer Q2 = 0.25--1.5 (GeV/c)(2). This large kinematic range allows extraction of important new information about resp ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics · January 1, 2001
We studied the exclusive reaction [Formula Presented] using the [Formula Presented] decay mode. The data were collected using a 4.2 GeV incident electron beam and the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator F ...
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Journal ArticleJournal of Propulsion and Power · January 1, 2001
Performance of a radioisotopic thermoelectric generator for a human-portable energy source is discussed. The design of thermoelectric generators is not considered. Instead desirable characteristics of the radioisotope are used to search for reasonable cand ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review Letters · November 27, 2000
Elastic photoproduction of φ mesons from the proton was measured for the first time up to -t = 4 GeV2. Below -t ≈ 1 GeV2, the data cannot distinguish between the Pomeron exchange and the two-gluon exchange models. Above -t ≈ 1.8 GeV2, the data ruled out th ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics · January 1, 2000
We have performed a measurement of the cross section for the 4He(γ,dd) reaction with photon energies between 150 and 250 MeV. Both reaction particles were detected in coincidence. We obtained absolute cross sections at six angles and two energy bins (150-1 ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Instruments \& Methods In Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment · April 1998Cite
Journal ArticleNuclear Physics A · March 2, 1998
Advances in both experimental and theoretical techniques are now making it possible to study three-body capture reactions below 80 keV in considerable detail. Measurements of the energy dependence of the cross section for the D(p,γ)3He reaction below 80 ke ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment · January 11, 1998
The absolute differential cross section, σ(θ), and the analyzing powers Ay(θ), Ayy(θ), and T20(θ) of the 3He(d, γ)5Li reaction have been measured using an 800 keV deuteron beam which was stopped in a gaseous 3He target. The same quantities, with the except ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Physics A · September 16, 1996
We present here strong evidence that recently published values for the relative intensities of γ-ray lines in the 66Ga(β+ + EC)66Zn decay are incorrect at the higher energies (∼ 30% too low at 4.8 MeV). In particular, we find that our current results are c ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment · August 11, 1996
A new technique for producing an intense beam of polarized γ-rays is presented. This High-Intensity Gamma-ray Source (HIGS) will utilize the facilities of the new Duke Free Electron Laser Laboratory. This system includes the LINAC injector, the 1.3 GeV ele ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Instruments \& Methods In Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment · June 1996Cite
Journal ArticleZeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei · December 1, 1995
The results of two recent publication are reconsidered. These papers argue that the p-wave effects seen in the7Li(p, γ)8Be reaction below Ep=80 keV can be accounted for by considering the low-energy tail of the p-wave resonance at Ep=441 keV. It is shown t ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A · February 15, 1995
A polarimeter is described for proton beam energies below 100 keV using the 7Li(p, γ)8 Be reaction. Measurements indicate an analyzing power near 0.4 with yields that would allow a 10% measurement of beam polarization in 1 h for sources producing beam curr ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1995
The H2(p→, γ)He3 reaction has been studied in the energy region Ep=80-0 keV (Ec.m.=53.3-0 keV), where the quantities measured were σ(θ,E) and Ay(θ,E). Our result for the total H2(p,γ)He3 S factor at E=0 is S(0)=0.121±0.012 eV b (including systematic error) ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Physics, Section A · September 26, 1994
Measurements of angular distributions of the cross section, vector and tensor analyzing powers have been performed at Ed(lab)= 9.0 MeV and 2.0 MeV for the 6Li(d, γ)8Be reaction. Excitation functions were also measured for Ed(lab) = 7.0-14.0 MeV at θ{symbol ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A · May 1, 1994
The 7Li(p, γ)8Be reaction at low beam energies, ≤ 100 keV, is considered for use as a high energy gamma-ray source. Production rates indicate that this reaction would yield a reasonable intensity of 17.3 and 14.3 MeV gamma rays with inexpensive and readily ...
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Journal ArticleAtomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables · January 1, 1992
The formalism for a linearly polarized γ-ray capture particle-out reaction is presented. The form given allows one to generate the expressions for the cross section as a function of the detected particle angle, θ, and the photon-polarization angle, φ, in t ...
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Journal ArticlePhysics Letters B · December 19, 1991
Measurements of the 6Li(d, γ)8Be cross section, σ(θ), the vector analyzing power, Ay(θ) and the tensor analyzing powers, Ayy(θ) and T20(θ), have been obtained at 〈Ed Lab〉=9.0 MeV. A transition matrix element analysis was performed. A direct-capture and a m ...
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Journal ArticlePhysics Letters B · November 3, 1988
Measurements of the tensor and vector analyzing powers, Ayy(130°) and Ay(130°), have been obtained for the 2H(d,γ )4He reaction for energies ranging from Ed(lab) = 0.3 MeV to Ed(lab) = 50 MeV. The Ayy(130°) data are sensitive to the D-state present in the ...
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Journal ArticlePhysics Letters B · December 3, 1987
New high spin states in 25Mg have been located above the neutron threshold using the 12C(14N, pγ)25Mg reaction at E=23.5 MeV. The members of the ground state rotational band (Kπ= 5 2+ have been tentatively identified up to 15 2+. The yrast 15 2+ (not a mem ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Physics, Section A · November 16, 1987
A compilation of information on A = 3 nuclei is presented. Emphasis is on possible structure of A = 3 systems and final-state interactions in three-particle reactions. No excited states of 3H and 3He have been established, and no firm evidence for the exis ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A · January 15, 1985
Response functions to photons in the energy range of 4.4-26.6 MeV have been obtained for a 7.6 × 7.6 cm BGO scintillator surrounded by a 5.1 cm thick well-type anticoincident shield. An AmBe source and various (p, γ) reactions provided the gamma-rays. The ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1984
The vector analyzing powers have been measured for the H1(d→,γ) He3 and the H2(p→,γ)He3 reactions at Ex=6 MeV. The results indicate the presence of channel spin 32 capture strength. An M 1 strength amounting to between 1 and 8% of the cross section is able ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review Letters · January 1, 1984
The tensor analyzing power T20() of the reaction H2(d,)He4 has been measured at six angles at Ed=9.7 MeV. The result is found to be isotropic with a value of T20=-0.220.014. This analyzing power arises from the interference of S=0 and S=2 capture amplitude ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1984
Polarized proton capture data indicate a sensitivity to the j value (l±12) of the single particle final state for a given l value. The direct capture model is examined and a simple relationship between the analyzing powers for capture to the two j values i ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1984
Angular distributions for the C12(n,0)C13 reaction have been measured with neutrons corresponding to excitation energies of 16.0, 19.2, 20.1, 20.8, and 21.8 MeV. Legendre polynomial coefficients have been determined to second order (a3 is small). Polarized ...
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Journal ArticleNuclear Physics, Section A · December 5, 1983
The 90° cross section for the 12C(t, γ0)15N reaction was measured for Et from 2.3 to 6.5 MeV. Polarized and unpolarized angular distribution data were obtained for E1 = 2.27, 3.24 and 5.95 MeV. The resulting a2 and b2 coefficients are compared to the predi ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1983
A recent study of (, n0) reactions on Pb207 and Pb208 produced a direct-semidirect model calculation of the angular distribution (the a2 coefficient) which was vastly different for these two cases. In this paper we offer the formal proof that this is incor ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1982
We have performed two independent measurements of the B11(p, 0)C12 reaction over the energy range of Ep=5-14 MeV. The two measurements are in good agreement with each other and indicate that the previously accepted results are in error. The new values for ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1982
The cross section for the B11(p,)C12 reaction leading to the 19 MeV region of C12 has been measured at lab=60°for Ep of 23 to 60 MeV. Angular distributions of cross sections and analyzing powers were measured at Ep=28.7 MeV. The B11(p,0,1)C12 cross section ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1982
The 60°and 90°yield curves for the B11(p,)C12 reaction have been measured for Ep=2.9 to 4.6 MeV in 100 keV steps for rays leading to the ground and first and third excited states. Recent (,) data suggest the existence of an isospin mixed doublet near 19.5 ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1982
The N14(n,0)N15 reaction has been studied over a neutron energy range of 5.6 MeV to 13 MeV. Data include a 90° excitation function measured in 200 keV steps, and seven angular distributions. The angular distribution data show good agreement with the result ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1982
A polarized neutron beam has been used to measure the angular distribution of the analyzing power for the He3(n,)He4 reaction at En (Ex)=9.0 (27.3) MeV. The angular distribution of the cross section, obtained with an unpolarized beam, is combined with thes ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1981
A recently reported measurement of the photoneutron cross section for He4 indicates a value of about 1.0 mb for Ex of 23 to 33 MeV. This result, when combined with the previously reported (,p) cross section in this energy region, implies a (,p)-to-(,n) cro ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1981
The yield curve for proton capture on Li7, leading to the region of the isospin-mixed pair of states at Ex=16.63 and 16.92 MeV in Be8, has been measured as a function of bombarding energy from 4 to 30 MeV. A direct capture model provides a good description ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1980
The 90°yield curves for the C13(p→,γ0)N14 and C13(p→,γ1)N14 reactions have been measured in 200 keV steps for Ep=6.25 to 13.6 MeV and in 100 keV steps for Ep=13.6 to 17.0 MeV. In addition, 50 keV step data were obtained for Ep of 12.6 to 14.55 MeV. Angular ...
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Journal ArticleReviews of Modern Physics · January 1, 1980
A review of recent capture experiments which discusses polarized proton, polarized neutron, and alpha particle capture reactions is presented. The giant dipole resonance region is examined chiefly in terms of the information which can be obtained from angu ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review Letters · January 1, 1980
The fore-aft asymmetry in the angular distribution of the reaction H3(p,0)He4 has been measured as a function of energy for protons from 17 to 31 MeV. The same quantity was also measured using the reaction He4(e,H3)pe. These asymmetry data were fitted with ...
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Journal ArticlePhysical Review C · January 1, 1980
The 90°yield curves for the Si30(p, 0)P31 and Si30(p, 1)P31 reactions have been measured for Ep=5.0 to 28.0 MeV. Angular distributions of cross section and analyzing power were obtained at twelve energies between Ep=6.36 and 14.45 MeV. The cross sections w ...
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