My research interests encompass studies of immunity and inflammation in the context of developing and established cancers. These research interests involve studies of inflammation in the genesis and maintenance of specific cancer types (principally breast and ovarian), as well as the impact of inflammation on tumor metastasis and the tumor microenvironment. My group is also involved in strategies to modulate the immune response to tumors, which involves the use of novel immunotherapeutic strategies and development of vaccines to specific oncogenic targets. The major focus of my lab is in uncovering strategies to modulate tumor-derived inflammation and tumor-specific immunity that will translate into clinically efficacious therapies in patients.
Current Appointments & Affiliations
Associate Professor in Surgery
2023 - Present
Surgery, Surgical Sciences,
Associate Professor in Pathology
2022 - Present
Clinical Science Departments
Associate Professor in Integrative Immunobiology
2023 - Present
Integrative Immunobiology,
Basic Science Departments
Member of the Duke Cancer Institute
2020 - Present
Duke Cancer Institute,
Institutes and Centers
Education, Training & Certifications
Duke University ·