The Role of Constitutional Courts in the Establishment and Maintenance of Democratic Systems of Government
What role do courts play in the establishment and maintenance of constitutional democracies? To address this question, we elaborate a model that draws on existing substantive literature and on theories that assume strategic behavior on the part of judges, executives, and legislatures. This model, in turn, leads to several behavioral predictions about the interactions among the relevant political actors. Although those predictions could be assessed in many distinct contexts, we focus on Russia. In particular, we provide a demonstration of how the model helps make sense of the behavior of the Constitutional Court (Konstitucjonnyj sud) in light of the difficult political situation it confronted. We conclude with some thoughts on the broader implications of our theory for the study of courts throughout Eastern Europe and how it may well illuminate constitutional politics in other parts of the world.
Duke Scholars
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Related Subject Headings
- Criminology
- 4804 Law in context
- 4410 Sociology
- 4402 Criminology
- 1801 Law
- 1608 Sociology
- 1602 Criminology
Published In
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Start / End Page
Related Subject Headings
- Criminology
- 4804 Law in context
- 4410 Sociology
- 4402 Criminology
- 1801 Law
- 1608 Sociology
- 1602 Criminology