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The Offshore Services Industry: A New Opportunity for Latin America

Publication ,  Scholarly Edition
Gereffi, G; Castillo, M; Fernandez-Stark, K

Historically, services were considered non-tradable and offshoring was confined to the manufacturing sector. However, the evolution and diffusion of information and communication technologies has increased the availability of offshore services in the global economy in recent years. Face-to face contact between the client and the provider in traditional trade is being replaced by remote service centers in the new knowledge era.

Duke Scholars



Gereffi, G., Castillo, M., & Fernandez-Stark, K. (n.d.). The Offshore Services Industry: A New Opportunity for Latin America.
Gereffi, Gary, Mario Castillo, and Karina Fernandez-Stark. “The Offshore Services Industry: A New Opportunity for Latin America,” n.d.