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Shifting ranges and conservation challenges for lemurs in the face of climate change

Publication ,  Journal Article
Brown, JL; Yoder, AD
Published in: Ecology and Evolution
March 1, 2015

Geospatial modeling is one of the most powerful tools available to conservation biologists for estimating current species ranges of Earth's biodiversity. Now, with the advantage of predictive climate models, these methods can be deployed for understanding future impacts on threatened biota. Here, we employ predictive modeling under a conservative estimate of future climate change to examine impacts on the future abundance and geographic distributions of Malagasy lemurs. Using distribution data from the primary literature, we employed ensemble species distribution models and geospatial analyses to predict future changes in species distributions. Current species distribution models (SDMs) were created within the BIOMOD2 framework that capitalizes on ten widely used modeling techniques. Future and current SDMs were then subtracted from each other, and areas of contraction, expansion, and stability were calculated. Model overprediction is a common issue associated Malagasy taxa. Accordingly, we introduce novel methods for incorporating biological data on dispersal potential to better inform the selection of pseudo-absence points. This study predicts that 60% of the 57 species examined will experience a considerable range of reductions in the next seventy years entirely due to future climate change. Of these species, range sizes are predicted to decrease by an average of 59.6%. Nine lemur species (16%) are predicted to expand their ranges, and 13 species (22.8%) distribution sizes were predicted to be stable through time. Species ranges will experience severe shifts, typically contractions, and for the majority of lemur species, geographic distributions will be considerably altered. We identify three areas in dire need of protection, concluding that strategically managed forest corridors must be a key component of lemur and other biodiversity conservation strategies. This recommendation is all the more urgent given that the results presented here do not take into account patterns of ongoing habitat destruction relating to human activities. Major distribution patterns predicted for lemurs resulting from future climate change. Our results predict that most lemurs will experience considerable range shifts into the future.

Duke Scholars

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Published In

Ecology and Evolution




Publication Date

March 1, 2015





Start / End Page

1131 / 1142

Related Subject Headings

  • 4102 Ecological applications
  • 3104 Evolutionary biology
  • 3103 Ecology
  • 0603 Evolutionary Biology
  • 0602 Ecology


Brown, J. L., & Yoder, A. D. (2015). Shifting ranges and conservation challenges for lemurs in the face of climate change. Ecology and Evolution, 5(6), 1131–1142.
Brown, J. L., and A. D. Yoder. “Shifting ranges and conservation challenges for lemurs in the face of climate change.” Ecology and Evolution 5, no. 6 (March 1, 2015): 1131–42.
Brown JL, Yoder AD. Shifting ranges and conservation challenges for lemurs in the face of climate change. Ecology and Evolution. 2015 Mar 1;5(6):1131–42.
Brown, J. L., and A. D. Yoder. “Shifting ranges and conservation challenges for lemurs in the face of climate change.” Ecology and Evolution, vol. 5, no. 6, Mar. 2015, pp. 1131–42. Scopus, doi:10.1002/ece3.1418.
Brown JL, Yoder AD. Shifting ranges and conservation challenges for lemurs in the face of climate change. Ecology and Evolution. 2015 Mar 1;5(6):1131–1142.
Journal cover image

Published In

Ecology and Evolution




Publication Date

March 1, 2015





Start / End Page

1131 / 1142

Related Subject Headings

  • 4102 Ecological applications
  • 3104 Evolutionary biology
  • 3103 Ecology
  • 0603 Evolutionary Biology
  • 0602 Ecology