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Nonlinear Metal/Dielectric Plasmonic Interfaces

Publication ,  Conference
Baron, A; Hoang, TB; Fang, C; Larouche, S; Gauthier, DJ; Mikkelsen, MH; Smith, DR
Published in: Nonlinear Optics, NLO 2015
January 1, 2015

We investigate theoretically and experimentally the optical nonlinearity of metal/dielectric interfaces, which provides a metric that predicts the scaling of self-action as well as a means to measure χ(3)of gold using surface plasmon polaritons.

Duke Scholars

Published In

Nonlinear Optics, NLO 2015


Publication Date

January 1, 2015


Baron, A., Hoang, T. B., Fang, C., Larouche, S., Gauthier, D. J., Mikkelsen, M. H., & Smith, D. R. (2015). Nonlinear Metal/Dielectric Plasmonic Interfaces. In Nonlinear Optics, NLO 2015.
Baron, A., T. B. Hoang, C. Fang, S. Larouche, D. J. Gauthier, M. H. Mikkelsen, and D. R. Smith. “Nonlinear Metal/Dielectric Plasmonic Interfaces.” In Nonlinear Optics, NLO 2015, 2015.
Baron A, Hoang TB, Fang C, Larouche S, Gauthier DJ, Mikkelsen MH, et al. Nonlinear Metal/Dielectric Plasmonic Interfaces. In: Nonlinear Optics, NLO 2015. 2015.
Baron, A., et al. “Nonlinear Metal/Dielectric Plasmonic Interfaces.” Nonlinear Optics, NLO 2015, 2015. Scopus, doi:10.1364/NLO.2015.NTu2B.2.
Baron A, Hoang TB, Fang C, Larouche S, Gauthier DJ, Mikkelsen MH, Smith DR. Nonlinear Metal/Dielectric Plasmonic Interfaces. Nonlinear Optics, NLO 2015. 2015.

Published In

Nonlinear Optics, NLO 2015


Publication Date

January 1, 2015