Plasmonic nanopatch antennas for large purcell enhancement
, Conference
Akselrod, GM; Argyropoulos, C; Hoang, TB; Ciraci, C; Fang, C; Huang, J; Smith, DR; Mikkelsen, MH
Published in: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest
August 10, 2015
We demonstrate Purcell enhancements of-1000 from fluorescent molecules embedded in a plasmonic antenna with sub-10 nm gap between metals. Simulations and experiments reveal the high radiative efficiency and directionality of the antenna.
Duke Scholars
Published In
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest
Publication Date
August 10, 2015
Akselrod, G. M., Argyropoulos, C., Hoang, T. B., Ciraci, C., Fang, C., Huang, J., … Mikkelsen, M. H. (2015). Plasmonic nanopatch antennas for large purcell enhancement. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest (Vol. 2015-August).
Akselrod, G. M., C. Argyropoulos, T. B. Hoang, C. Ciraci, C. Fang, J. Huang, D. R. Smith, and M. H. Mikkelsen. “Plasmonic nanopatch antennas for large purcell enhancement.” In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, Vol. 2015-August, 2015.
Akselrod GM, Argyropoulos C, Hoang TB, Ciraci C, Fang C, Huang J, et al. Plasmonic nanopatch antennas for large purcell enhancement. In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. 2015.
Akselrod, G. M., et al. “Plasmonic nanopatch antennas for large purcell enhancement.” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, vol. 2015-August, 2015.
Akselrod GM, Argyropoulos C, Hoang TB, Ciraci C, Fang C, Huang J, Smith DR, Mikkelsen MH. Plasmonic nanopatch antennas for large purcell enhancement. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. 2015.
Published In
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest
Publication Date
August 10, 2015