Modeling the evaporative cooling of fermionic atoms in an optical trap
Summary form only given. Evaporative cooling of atoms in an optical trap has recently received renewed attention as a means for obtaining degeneracy in an optically trapped bosonic Cs vapor as well as a fermionic Li gas. We have developed a new model describing the evaporative cooling process for atoms confined in a time-dependent optical potential formed by a single focused Gaussian laser beam. We find that a substantial increase in the phase-space density can be obtained by adiabatically reducing the trap laser power and thereby the trap well depth as a function of time. Since we are specifically interested in the evaporative cooling of fermionic 6Li atoms, we have included the effect of Fermi statistics in the model. Although the collision rate is suppressed as the temperature T is reduced below the Fermi temperature TF, we find that values of T/TF蠐1 can be achieved for suitable initial conditions.