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AFLUX: The LUX materials search API for the AFLOW data repositories

Publication ,  Journal Article
Rose, F; Toher, C; Gossett, E; Oses, C; Nardelli, MB; Fornari, M; Curtarolo, S
Published in: Computational Materials Science
September 1, 2017

Automated computational materials science frameworks rapidly generate large quantities of materials data for accelerated materials design. In order to take advantage of these large databases, users should have the ability to efficiently search and extract the desired data. Therefore, we have extended the data-oriented AFLOW-repository Application-Program-Interface (API) (Comput. Mater. Sci. 93, 178 (2014)) to enable programmatic access to search queries. A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)-based search API is proposed for the construction of complex queries for remote creation and retrieval of customized data sets. It is expected that the new language, AFLUX, from “Automatic Flow of LUX (light)”, will enable remote search operations on the AFLOW set of computational materials science data repositories. In addition, AFLUX facilitates the verification and validation of the data in the AFLOW repositories.

Duke Scholars

Published In

Computational Materials Science




Publication Date

September 1, 2017



Start / End Page

362 / 370

Related Subject Headings

  • Materials
  • 5104 Condensed matter physics
  • 4016 Materials engineering
  • 0912 Materials Engineering
  • 0205 Optical Physics
  • 0204 Condensed Matter Physics


Rose, F., Toher, C., Gossett, E., Oses, C., Nardelli, M. B., Fornari, M., & Curtarolo, S. (2017). AFLUX: The LUX materials search API for the AFLOW data repositories. Computational Materials Science, 137, 362–370.
Rose, F., C. Toher, E. Gossett, C. Oses, M. B. Nardelli, M. Fornari, and S. Curtarolo. “AFLUX: The LUX materials search API for the AFLOW data repositories.” Computational Materials Science 137 (September 1, 2017): 362–70.
Rose F, Toher C, Gossett E, Oses C, Nardelli MB, Fornari M, et al. AFLUX: The LUX materials search API for the AFLOW data repositories. Computational Materials Science. 2017 Sep 1;137:362–70.
Rose, F., et al. “AFLUX: The LUX materials search API for the AFLOW data repositories.” Computational Materials Science, vol. 137, Sept. 2017, pp. 362–70. Scopus, doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2017.04.036.
Rose F, Toher C, Gossett E, Oses C, Nardelli MB, Fornari M, Curtarolo S. AFLUX: The LUX materials search API for the AFLOW data repositories. Computational Materials Science. 2017 Sep 1;137:362–370.
Journal cover image

Published In

Computational Materials Science




Publication Date

September 1, 2017



Start / End Page

362 / 370

Related Subject Headings

  • Materials
  • 5104 Condensed matter physics
  • 4016 Materials engineering
  • 0912 Materials Engineering
  • 0205 Optical Physics
  • 0204 Condensed Matter Physics