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Viewpoint Adaptation for Person Detection

Publication ,  Other
Wang, P; Collins, L; Morton, K; Torrione, P

An object detector performs suboptimally when applied to image data taken from a viewpoint different from the one with which it was trained. In this paper, we present a viewpoint adaptation algo- rithm that allows a trained single-view person detector to be adapted to a new, distinct viewpoint. We first illustrate how a feature space trans- formation can be inferred from a known homography between the source and target viewpoints. Second, we show that a variety of trained clas- sifiers can be modified to behave as if that transformation were applied to each testing instance. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on a new synthetic multi-view dataset as well as images from the PETS 2007 and CAVIAR datasets, yielding substantial performance improvements when adapting single-view person detectors to new viewpoints while increas- ing the detector frame rate. This work has the potential to improve person detection performance for cameras at non-standard viewpoints while simplifying data collection and feature extraction

Duke Scholars


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Wang, P., Collins, L., Morton, K., & Torrione, P. (n.d.). Viewpoint Adaptation for Person Detection.
Wang, P., L. Collins, K. Morton, and P. Torrione. “Viewpoint Adaptation for Person Detection,” n.d.
Wang P, Collins L, Morton K, Torrione P. Viewpoint Adaptation for Person Detection.
Wang, P., et al. Viewpoint Adaptation for Person Detection. Manual, doi:10.7924/G87P8W96.
Wang P, Collins L, Morton K, Torrione P. Viewpoint Adaptation for Person Detection.


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