Ultra-sensitive infrared spectroscopy of proteins with collective excitations of nanoplasmonic arrays
, Conference
Adato, R; Yanik, AA; Amsden, JJ; Kaplan, DL; Omenetto, FG; Hong, MK; Erramilli, S; Altug, H
Published in: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
December 1, 2010
Short interaction lengths limit the application of infrared absorption spectroscopy to the study monolayer thickness films. We employ periodic infrared antenna arrays to obtain 104- 105 enhancement of protein absorption signals corresponding to zepto-mole sensitivity. © OSA/CLEO/QELS 2010.
Duke Scholars
Published In
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Publication Date
December 1, 2010
Adato, R., Yanik, A. A., Amsden, J. J., Kaplan, D. L., Omenetto, F. G., Hong, M. K., … Altug, H. (2010). Ultra-sensitive infrared spectroscopy of proteins with collective excitations of nanoplasmonic arrays. In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers.
Adato, R., A. A. Yanik, J. J. Amsden, D. L. Kaplan, F. G. Omenetto, M. K. Hong, S. Erramilli, and H. Altug. “Ultra-sensitive infrared spectroscopy of proteins with collective excitations of nanoplasmonic arrays.” In Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2010.
Adato R, Yanik AA, Amsden JJ, Kaplan DL, Omenetto FG, Hong MK, et al. Ultra-sensitive infrared spectroscopy of proteins with collective excitations of nanoplasmonic arrays. In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010.
Adato, R., et al. “Ultra-sensitive infrared spectroscopy of proteins with collective excitations of nanoplasmonic arrays.” Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2010.
Adato R, Yanik AA, Amsden JJ, Kaplan DL, Omenetto FG, Hong MK, Erramilli S, Altug H. Ultra-sensitive infrared spectroscopy of proteins with collective excitations of nanoplasmonic arrays. Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. 2010.
Published In
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers
Publication Date
December 1, 2010