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A Remarkable Book

Publication ,  Journal Article
Staddon, JER
May 2004

Winston Churchill in old age was presented by the House of Commons with his portrait, painted by Graham Sutherland, a well-known British artist. When the picture was unveiled in Westminster Hall, Churchill looked at it for a few seconds and then commented: “The portrait is a remarkable example of modern art!” Just what he meant by “remarkable” may be inferred from the fact that the picture has never been seen again (Clementine Churchill evidently burnt it). It is in this sense that The Myth of Ownership is a remarkable book...

Duke Scholars

Publication Date

May 2004


Staddon, J. E. R. (2004). A Remarkable Book.
Staddon, John E. R. “A Remarkable Book,” May 2004.
Staddon JER. A Remarkable Book. 2004 May;
Staddon, John E. R. A Remarkable Book. May 2004.
Staddon JER. A Remarkable Book. 2004 May;

Publication Date

May 2004