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Charmonium Production in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

Publication ,  Journal Article
Müller, B
June 8, 1998

This is a review of theoretical attempts to describe production of heavy quark bound states in nucleus-nucleus collisions, in particular, the relative suppression of $J/\psi$ and $\psi'$ production observed in these reactions. The review begins with a survey of experimental data for proton-induced reactions and their theoretical interpretation. The evidence for additional suppression in nucleus-nucleus collisions is discussed and various theoretical models of charmonium absorption by comoving matter are presented and analyzed. The review concludes with suggestions for future research that would help clarify the implications of $J/\psi$ suppression in Pb + Pb collisions observed by the NA50 experiment.

Duke Scholars

Publication Date

June 8, 1998


Publication Date

June 8, 1998