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Target of Opportunity Observations of Gravitational Wave Events with LSST

Publication ,  Journal Article
Margutti, R; Cowperthwaite, P; Doctor, Z; Mortensen, K; Pankow, CP; Salafia, O; Villar, VA; Alexander, K; Annis, J; Andreoni, I; Baldeschi, A ...
December 10, 2018

The discovery of the electromagnetic counterparts to the binary neutron star merger GW170817 has opened the era of GW+EM multi-messenger astronomy. Exploiting this breakthrough requires increasing samples to explore the diversity of kilonova behaviour and provide more stringent constraints on the Hubble constant, and tests of fundamental physics. LSST can play a key role in this field in the 2020s, when the gravitational wave detector network is expected to detect higher rates of merger events involving neutron stars ($\sim$10s per year) out to distances of several hundred Mpc. Here we propose comprehensive target-of-opportunity (ToOs) strategies for follow-up of gravitational-wave sources that will make LSST the premiere machine for discovery and early characterization for neutron star mergers and other gravitational-wave sources.

Duke Scholars

Publication Date

December 10, 2018


Margutti, R., Cowperthwaite, P., Doctor, Z., Mortensen, K., Pankow, C. P., Salafia, O., … Collaboration, V. S. (2018). Target of Opportunity Observations of Gravitational Wave Events with LSST.
Margutti, R., P. Cowperthwaite, Z. Doctor, K. Mortensen, C. P. Pankow, O. Salafia, V. A. Villar, et al. “Target of Opportunity Observations of Gravitational Wave Events with LSST,” December 10, 2018.
Margutti R, Cowperthwaite P, Doctor Z, Mortensen K, Pankow CP, Salafia O, et al. Target of Opportunity Observations of Gravitational Wave Events with LSST. 2018 Dec 10;
Margutti R, Cowperthwaite P, Doctor Z, Mortensen K, Pankow CP, Salafia O, Villar VA, Alexander K, Annis J, Andreoni I, Baldeschi A, Balmaverde B, Berger E, Bernardini MG, Berry CPL, Bianco F, Blanchard PK, Brocato E, Carnerero MI, Cartier R, Cenko SB, Chornock R, Chomiuk L, Copperwheat CM, Coughlin MW, Coppejans DL, Corsi A, D’Ammando F, Datrier L, D’Avanzo P, Dimitriadis G, Drout MR, Foley RJ, Fong W, Fox O, Ghirlanda G, Goldstein D, Grindlay J, Guidorzi C, Haiman Z, Hendry M, Holz D, Hung T, Inserra C, Jones DO, Kalogera V, Kilpatrick CD, Lamb G, Laskar T, Levan A, Mason E, Maguire K, Melandri A, Milisavljevic D, Miller A, Narayan G, Nielsen E, Nicholl M, Nissanke S, Nugent P, Pan Y-C, Pasham D, Paterson K, Piranomonte S, Racusin J, Rest A, Righi C, Sand D, Seaman R, Scolnic D, Siellez K, Singer L, Szkody P, Smith M, Steeghs D, Sullivan M, Tanvir N, Terreran G, Trimble V, Valenti S, Transient WTSOTLSST, Collaboration VS. Target of Opportunity Observations of Gravitational Wave Events with LSST. 2018 Dec 10;

Publication Date

December 10, 2018