Comparison of reaction barriers in energy and free energy for enzyme catalysis
Reaction paths on potential energy surfaces obtained from QM/MM calculations of enzymatic or solution reactions depend on the starting structure employed for the path calculations. The free energies associated with these paths should be more reliable for studying reaction mechanisms, because statistical averages are used. To investigate this, the role of enzyme environment fluctuations on reaction paths has been studied with an ab initio QM/MM method for the first step of the reaction catalyzed by 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase (4OT). Four minimum energy paths (MEPs) are compared, which have been determined with two different methods. The first path (path A) has been determined with a procedure that combines the nudged elastic band (NEB) method and a second order parallel path optimizer recently developed in our group. The second path (path B) has also been determined by the combined procedure, however, the enzyme environment has been relaxed by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The third path (path C) has been determined with the coordinate driving (CD) method, using the enzyme environment from path B. We compare these three paths to a previously determined path (path D) determined with the CD method. In all four cases the QM/MM–FE method (Y. Zhang et al., JCP, 112, 3483) was employed to obtain the free energy barriers for all four paths. In the case of the combined procedure, the reaction path is approximated by a small number of images which are optimized to the MEP in parallel, which results in a reduced computational cost. However, this does not allow the FEP calculation on the MEP. In order to perform FEP calculations on these paths, we introduce a modification to the NEB method that enables the addition of as many extra images to the path as needed for the FEP calculations. The calculated potential energy barriers show differences in the activation barrier between the calculated paths of as much as 5.17 kcal/mol. However, the largest free energy barrier difference is 1.58 kcal/mol. These results show the importance of the inclusion of the environment fluctuation in the calculation of enzymatic activation barriers.