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3D Printing Applications in Cardiovascular Medicine

Surgical predictive planning using 3D printing

Publication ,  Chapter
Bishawi, M; Vemulapalli, S
January 1, 2018

Cardiovascular outcomes, either through percutaneous therapy or surgical intervention, have seen tremendous improvements over the past decade, primarily through the enhanced ability to risk stratify patients pre- or postprocedurally. Furthermore, 3D printing has provided the ability to incorporate patient-specific anatomy during procedural planning adding a dimension of enhanced visualization and optimization of device delivery not previously available, prior to the era of 3D printing. The potential for growth and development of 3D printing for surgical preprocedural planning is tremendous, especially when the interest in personalized medicine is heightened. In this chapter, we review current literature on the use of 3D printing for surgical predictive planning, and discuss future steps that are required in order to incorporate 3D printing in the day-to-day clinical and surgical practice.

Duke Scholars


Publication Date

January 1, 2018

Start / End Page

227 / 241


Bishawi, M., & Vemulapalli, S. (2018). Surgical predictive planning using 3D printing. In 3D Printing Applications in Cardiovascular Medicine (pp. 227–241).
Bishawi, M., and S. Vemulapalli. “Surgical predictive planning using 3D printing.” In 3D Printing Applications in Cardiovascular Medicine, 227–41, 2018.
Bishawi M, Vemulapalli S. Surgical predictive planning using 3D printing. In: 3D Printing Applications in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2018. p. 227–41.
Bishawi, M., and S. Vemulapalli. “Surgical predictive planning using 3D printing.” 3D Printing Applications in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2018, pp. 227–41. Scopus, doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-803917-5.00012-2.
Bishawi M, Vemulapalli S. Surgical predictive planning using 3D printing. 3D Printing Applications in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2018. p. 227–241.


Publication Date

January 1, 2018

Start / End Page

227 / 241