A scenario-view based approach to analyze external behavior of web services for supporting mediated service interactions
Web service interactions have triggered the initiative to identify and solve mismatches from a behavioral aspect. Current approaches are limited since they mainly focus on control-.ow but largely ignore data-.ow. In this paper, we propose an approach to automatically generate scenarios and views for describing external behavior of Web services, i.e. the public process, considering both control-.ow and data-.ow. We de.ne a scenario as a set of complete execution paths for a public process. Data dependencies are presented as a dependency graph, which is optimized into a minimal dependency graph. Then, a view is generated to describe a scenario for analysis purposes, and external behavior of a Web service is described as a .nite set of views. Our approach is very useful for service modelers and users to better understand the external behavior of Web services, to identify and solve mismatches from a behavioral aspect, and thus to facilitate Web service interactions. ©2008 Crown Copyright.