A Synthetic Roman Space Telescope High-Latitude Time-Domain Survey: Supernovae in the Deep Field
, Preprint
Wang, KX; Scolnic, D; Troxel, MA; Rodney, SA; Popovic, B; Duff, C; Filippenko, AV; Foley, RJ; Hounsell, R; Jha, SW; Jones, DO; Joshi, BA ...
April 28, 2022
Duke Scholars
Publication Date
April 28, 2022
Wang, K. X., Scolnic, D., Troxel, M. A., Rodney, S. A., Popovic, B., Duff, C., … Yamamoto, M. (2022). A Synthetic Roman Space Telescope High-Latitude Time-Domain Survey:
Supernovae in the Deep Field.
Wang, Kevin X., Dan Scolnic, M. A. Troxel, Steven A. Rodney, Brodie Popovic, Caleb Duff, Alexei V. Filippenko, et al. “A Synthetic Roman Space Telescope High-Latitude Time-Domain Survey:
Supernovae in the Deep Field,” April 28, 2022.
Wang KX, Scolnic D, Troxel MA, Rodney SA, Popovic B, Duff C, et al. A Synthetic Roman Space Telescope High-Latitude Time-Domain Survey:
Supernovae in the Deep Field. 2022.
Wang, Kevin X., et al. A Synthetic Roman Space Telescope High-Latitude Time-Domain Survey:
Supernovae in the Deep Field. 28 Apr. 2022.
Wang KX, Scolnic D, Troxel MA, Rodney SA, Popovic B, Duff C, Filippenko AV, Foley RJ, Hounsell R, Jha SW, Jones DO, Joshi BA, Long H, Macias P, Riess AG, Rose BM, Yamamoto M. A Synthetic Roman Space Telescope High-Latitude Time-Domain Survey:
Supernovae in the Deep Field. 2022.
Publication Date
April 28, 2022