Skyrec: Finding Pareto optimal groups
We present SkyRec (Skyline Recommender), a recommendation toolkit for finding optimal groups based on the notion of group skyline. Skyline computation, aiming at identifying a set of skyline points that are not dominated by any other point, is particularly useful for multi-criteria data analysis and decision-making. Traditional skyline computation, however, is inadequate to answer queries that need to analyze not only individual points but also groups of points. To address this gap, SkyRec finds Pareto optimal groups with two group skyline models: G-Skyline [3] and Sum-Skyline [2]. SkyRec returns Pareto optimal groups with group size k that are not dominated by any other group with the same group size. Users can examine the results of the group skyline based recommendation compared to traditional top-k and skyline based recommendation and how different group skyline notions differ from each other. Although we demonstrate SkyRec for hotel reservation in this paper, it can be applied to various decision-making applications.