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High-Yield Absite Review: A Resident-to-Resident Guide

Publication ,  Book
Kim, Y
May 20, 2016

This High-Yield ABSITE Review is the perfect study aid for surgical residents who aim to excel on the American Board of Surgery In-Training Examination (ABSITE). This study guide was created by residents who have done well on the ABSITE during their clinical years, and know what it takes to achieve highly on the examination. It differs from other study materials in its extremely high level of detail and organization, with most facts organized into a table format for easy memory retention. The first several chapters focus on basic science facts with their clinical implications, then delves into high-yield general surgical topics, and finally, surgical subspecialty material.

Duke Scholars



Publication Date

May 20, 2016
Journal cover image



Publication Date

May 20, 2016