Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in Athletes: Prevention, Treatment and Return to Sport
Anterior Shoulder Instability
, Chapter
Bailey, LCDRJR; Little, BA; Dale, KM; Taylor, DC; Provencher, MT; Vutescu, ES; Sanchez, G; Fabricant, PD; Cordasco, FA; Roberson, TA; Gaston, T ...
January 1, 2018
Duke Scholars
Bailey, L. C. D. R. J. R., Little, B. A., Dale, K. M., Taylor, D. C., Provencher, M. T., Vutescu, E. S., … Warren, R. F. (2018). Anterior Shoulder Instability. In Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in Athletes: Prevention, Treatment and Return to Sport (pp. 3–119).
Bailey, L. C. D. R. J. R., B. A. Little, K. M. Dale, D. C. Taylor, M. T. Provencher, E. S. Vutescu, G. Sanchez, et al. “Anterior Shoulder Instability.” In Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in Athletes: Prevention, Treatment and Return to Sport, 3–119, 2018.
Bailey LCDRJR, Little BA, Dale KM, Taylor DC, Provencher MT, Vutescu ES, et al. Anterior Shoulder Instability. In: Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in Athletes: Prevention, Treatment and Return to Sport. 2018. p. 3–119.
Bailey, L. C. D. R. J. R., et al. “Anterior Shoulder Instability.” Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in Athletes: Prevention, Treatment and Return to Sport, 2018, pp. 3–119. Scopus, doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-51054-7.00001-4.
Bailey LCDRJR, Little BA, Dale KM, Taylor DC, Provencher MT, Vutescu ES, Sanchez G, Fabricant PD, Cordasco FA, Roberson TA, Bentley JC, Hawkins RJ, Sanchez A, Gaston T, Lafosse L, Plath JE, Schantz K, Tokish JM, Kwapisz A, Choate WS, Taverna E, Guarrella V, Matsuki K, Sugaya H, Savoie FH, Heffernan JT, Miniaci A, Patel RM, Elbanna AM, Dukas AG, Arciero RA, Meadows MC, Gregory BP, Thorsness RJ, Romeo AA, Gendre P, Bessiere C, Boileau P, Pelligrini A, Paladini P, Merolla G, Porcellini G, Yamamoto N, Itoi E, Dare DM, Warren RF. Anterior Shoulder Instability. Shoulder and Elbow Injuries in Athletes: Prevention, Treatment and Return to Sport. 2018. p. 3–119.