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Who’s setting the agenda? Philanthropic donor influence in marine conservation

Publication ,  Journal Article
Enrici, A; Gruby, RL; Betsill, MM; Le Cornu, E; Blackwatters, JE; Basurto, X; Govan, H; Holm, T; Jupiter, SD; Mangubhai, S
Published in: Ecology and Society
July 1, 2023

We are in a period of unprecedented growth in conservation philanthropy. How will this influx of private funding affect conservation agendas? Inspired by a collaborative research co-design process, this paper addresses questions about how foundations influence conservation agendas in the places they work. We draw from a case study of the world’s largest philanthropic funder of marine conservation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and their 20 years of investment in marine conservation in Palau and Fiji. Conservation practitioners in both countries universally agreed that the Packard Foundation had a significant and positive influence on the agenda, which they attribute to both how the foundation worked and what they chose to fund. Specifically, our study reveals how the Packard Foundation shaped conservation agendas in Palau and Fiji in partnership with its grantees through a grant-making process characterized by relationship building, collaborative decision making, convening and promoting of collective action, flexibility, and long-term funding. Packard’s approach was often identified as unique, and contrasted with numerous other donors, including foundations and other types of donors, who use a more top-down approach. By describing a relative success story in how philanthropic foundations can work with conservation practitioners to co-design a shared conservation agenda, our work provides timely guidance for donors and practitioners.

Duke Scholars

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Published In

Ecology and Society




Publication Date

July 1, 2023





Related Subject Headings

  • Ecology


Enrici, A., Gruby, R. L., Betsill, M. M., Le Cornu, E., Blackwatters, J. E., Basurto, X., … Mangubhai, S. (2023). Who’s setting the agenda? Philanthropic donor influence in marine conservation. Ecology and Society, 28(3).
Enrici, A., R. L. Gruby, M. M. Betsill, E. Le Cornu, J. E. Blackwatters, X. Basurto, H. Govan, T. Holm, S. D. Jupiter, and S. Mangubhai. “Who’s setting the agenda? Philanthropic donor influence in marine conservation.” Ecology and Society 28, no. 3 (July 1, 2023).
Enrici A, Gruby RL, Betsill MM, Le Cornu E, Blackwatters JE, Basurto X, et al. Who’s setting the agenda? Philanthropic donor influence in marine conservation. Ecology and Society. 2023 Jul 1;28(3).
Enrici, A., et al. “Who’s setting the agenda? Philanthropic donor influence in marine conservation.” Ecology and Society, vol. 28, no. 3, July 2023. Scopus, doi:10.5751/ES-14091-280302.
Enrici A, Gruby RL, Betsill MM, Le Cornu E, Blackwatters JE, Basurto X, Govan H, Holm T, Jupiter SD, Mangubhai S. Who’s setting the agenda? Philanthropic donor influence in marine conservation. Ecology and Society. 2023 Jul 1;28(3).

Published In

Ecology and Society




Publication Date

July 1, 2023





Related Subject Headings

  • Ecology