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Vital Directions for Health & Health Care: An Initiative of the National Academy of Medicine

Improving access to effective care for people who have mental health and substance use disorders

Publication ,  Chapter
Knickman, J; Krishnan, KRR; Pincus, HA; Blanco, C; Blazer, DG; Coye, MJ; Krystal, JH; Rauch, SL; Simon, GE; Vitiello, B
September 9, 2023

Duke Scholars

Publication Date

September 9, 2023

Start / End Page

135 / 152


Knickman, J., Krishnan, K. R. R., Pincus, H. A., Blanco, C., Blazer, D. G., Coye, M. J., … Vitiello, B. (2023). Improving access to effective care for people who have mental health and substance use disorders. In Vital Directions for Health & Health Care: An Initiative of the National Academy of Medicine (pp. 135–152).
Knickman, J., K. R. R. Krishnan, H. A. Pincus, C. Blanco, D. G. Blazer, M. J. Coye, J. H. Krystal, S. L. Rauch, G. E. Simon, and B. Vitiello. “Improving access to effective care for people who have mental health and substance use disorders.” In Vital Directions for Health & Health Care: An Initiative of the National Academy of Medicine, 135–52, 2023.
Knickman J, Krishnan KRR, Pincus HA, Blanco C, Blazer DG, Coye MJ, et al. Improving access to effective care for people who have mental health and substance use disorders. In: Vital Directions for Health & Health Care: An Initiative of the National Academy of Medicine. 2023. p. 135–52.
Knickman, J., et al. “Improving access to effective care for people who have mental health and substance use disorders.” Vital Directions for Health & Health Care: An Initiative of the National Academy of Medicine, 2023, pp. 135–52.
Knickman J, Krishnan KRR, Pincus HA, Blanco C, Blazer DG, Coye MJ, Krystal JH, Rauch SL, Simon GE, Vitiello B. Improving access to effective care for people who have mental health and substance use disorders. Vital Directions for Health & Health Care: An Initiative of the National Academy of Medicine. 2023. p. 135–152.

Publication Date

September 9, 2023

Start / End Page

135 / 152