Opioid Use, Disposition, and Parent Satisfaction Following Common Pediatric Surgical Procedures.
INTRODUCTION: There is wide variability in prescribing practices among providers, even for patients undergoing the same operations. Our study aims to analyze the variation in opioid prescription practices using a patient-centered approach to establish more appropriate prescribing guidelines for health care providers. METHODS: We conducted phone surveys 30 days after surgery to assess patient-reported opioid use. Over a two-year collection period, we identified patients that had undergone common outpatient pediatric surgery procedures in our 4-surgeon group. Included in the survey tool was the narcotic prescribed (if any), the amount used, and patient/family rating of pain control. RESULTS: We collected data for 189 separate procedures (88 umbilical hernias, 30 laparoscopic inguinal hernias, 2 open inguinal hernias, 41 appendectomies, 15 laparoscopic cholecystectomies, and 13 pectus bar removals). Patient age ranged from less than 1 month to 246 months. 83.5% of patients had a narcotic prescribed. The average number of doses used was 4, ranging from 0 (11.3%) to 30 (1.5%). 72.6% of families surveyed felt pain control was appropriate. However, 19.6% did feel they received too much pain medication. 10.6% reported completing their entire prescription; however, only 13.6% of families with excess narcotics reported proper disposal. CONCLUSIONS: Despite heightened awareness of the opioid epidemic, there is still a poor understanding of appropriate pain control regimens in the pediatric surgical population. We demonstrate that most patients are discharged home with excess opioids and that many families save the leftover pills/liquid. Further research and education are encouraged to limit the use of opioids in standard pediatric surgical procedures.
Duke Scholars
Published In
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Related Subject Headings
- Surgery
- Practice Patterns, Physicians'
- Personal Satisfaction
- Parents
- Pain, Postoperative
- Opioid-Related Disorders
- Narcotics
- Infant
- Humans
- Hernia, Inguinal
Published In
Publication Date
Start / End Page
Related Subject Headings
- Surgery
- Practice Patterns, Physicians'
- Personal Satisfaction
- Parents
- Pain, Postoperative
- Opioid-Related Disorders
- Narcotics
- Infant
- Humans
- Hernia, Inguinal