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Synthesis of an advanced Pd-Rh bimetallic catalyst for gasoline engine emission control

Publication ,  Journal Article
Lan, L; Chen, S; Wang, S; Xiang, J; Huang, L; Zhu, M; Lin, H
Published in: Arabian Journal of Chemistry
February 1, 2022

In recent years, the dramatic increase of the prices of Pd and Rh brings about increasingly heavier cost pressure for the exhaust gas after-treatment industry, thus it is of great significance to develop advanced Pd-Rh bimetallic catalysts with low metal loading. In this work, on the basis of conventional catalyst composed of Al2O3-supported Pd and CZ (ceria-zirconia-based oxide)-supported Rh, an advanced Pd-Rh catalyst was obtained by adjusting the synthesis procedure. That was, a small portion of Rh was co-impregnated with Pd on Al2O3, while the other portion was still supported on CZ. In this way, the co-impregnated Rh may act as an auxiliary for Pd/Al2O3 component. As revealed by the various characterization results, the agglomeration of Pd species is well suppressed, and larger amount of PdO species is maintained for the modified catalyst after hydrothermal aging treatment. On the other hand, the state of Rh species also appears to be somewhat modified. Consequently, after hydrothermal aging treatment, the modified catalyst behaves much better for the catalytic conversions of CO, HC and NO.

Duke Scholars

Published In

Arabian Journal of Chemistry




Publication Date

February 1, 2022





Related Subject Headings

  • 34 Chemical sciences
  • 03 Chemical Sciences


Lan, L., Chen, S., Wang, S., Xiang, J., Huang, L., Zhu, M., & Lin, H. (2022). Synthesis of an advanced Pd-Rh bimetallic catalyst for gasoline engine emission control. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 15(2).
Lan, L., S. Chen, S. Wang, J. Xiang, L. Huang, M. Zhu, and H. Lin. “Synthesis of an advanced Pd-Rh bimetallic catalyst for gasoline engine emission control.” Arabian Journal of Chemistry 15, no. 2 (February 1, 2022).
Lan L, Chen S, Wang S, Xiang J, Huang L, Zhu M, et al. Synthesis of an advanced Pd-Rh bimetallic catalyst for gasoline engine emission control. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2022 Feb 1;15(2).
Lan, L., et al. “Synthesis of an advanced Pd-Rh bimetallic catalyst for gasoline engine emission control.” Arabian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 15, no. 2, Feb. 2022. Scopus, doi:10.1016/j.arabjc.2021.103587.
Lan L, Chen S, Wang S, Xiang J, Huang L, Zhu M, Lin H. Synthesis of an advanced Pd-Rh bimetallic catalyst for gasoline engine emission control. Arabian Journal of Chemistry. 2022 Feb 1;15(2).
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Published In

Arabian Journal of Chemistry




Publication Date

February 1, 2022





Related Subject Headings

  • 34 Chemical sciences
  • 03 Chemical Sciences