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Accommodating Scale Misalignment In Spatio-Temporal Data In: Bayesian Methods with Applications to Science

Publication ,  Journal Article
Gelfand, A; Carlin, BP; Zhu, L
Published in: Policy and Official Statistics

Duke Scholars

Published In

Policy and Official Statistics

Publication Date


Start / End Page

81 / 90


Gelfand, A., Carlin, B. P., & Zhu, L. (2001). Accommodating Scale Misalignment In Spatio-Temporal Data In: Bayesian Methods with Applications to Science. Policy and Official Statistics, 81–90.
Gelfand, A., B. P. Carlin, and L. Zhu. “Accommodating Scale Misalignment In Spatio-Temporal Data In: Bayesian Methods with Applications to Science.” Policy and Official Statistics, 2001, 81–90.
Gelfand A, Carlin BP, Zhu L. Accommodating Scale Misalignment In Spatio-Temporal Data In: Bayesian Methods with Applications to Science. Policy and Official Statistics. 2001;81–90.
Gelfand, A., et al. “Accommodating Scale Misalignment In Spatio-Temporal Data In: Bayesian Methods with Applications to Science.” Policy and Official Statistics, 2001, pp. 81–90.
Gelfand A, Carlin BP, Zhu L. Accommodating Scale Misalignment In Spatio-Temporal Data In: Bayesian Methods with Applications to Science. Policy and Official Statistics. 2001;81–90.

Published In

Policy and Official Statistics

Publication Date


Start / End Page

81 / 90