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Media and the Russian Public: Watching Television in Russia

Publication ,  Journal Article
Mickiewicz, E
Published in: Annual of the International Council of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences

Duke Scholars

Published In

Annual of the International Council of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences

Publication Date



Mickiewicz, E. (1981). Media and the Russian Public: Watching Television in Russia. Annual of the International Council of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Mickiewicz, E. “Media and the Russian Public: Watching Television in Russia.” Annual of the International Council of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1981.
Mickiewicz E. Media and the Russian Public: Watching Television in Russia. Annual of the International Council of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1981;
Mickiewicz, E. “Media and the Russian Public: Watching Television in Russia.” Annual of the International Council of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1981.
Mickiewicz E. Media and the Russian Public: Watching Television in Russia. Annual of the International Council of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1981;

Published In

Annual of the International Council of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences

Publication Date