Dynamic vs. static-stretching warm up: the effect on power and agility performance.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of a dynamic warm up (DWU) with a static-stretching warm up (SWU) on selected measures of power and agility. Thirty cadets at the United States Military Academy completed the study (14 women and 16 men, ages 18-24 years). On 3 consecutive days, subjects performed 1 of the 2 warm up routines (DWU or SWU) or performed no warm up (NWU). The 3 warm up protocols lasted 10 minutes each and were counterbalanced to avoid carryover effects. After 1-2 minutes of recovery, subjects performed 3 tests of power or agility. The order of the performance tests (T-shuttle run, underhand medicine ball throw for distance, and 5-step jump) also was counterbalanced. Repeated measures analysis of variance revealed better performance scores after the DWU for all 3 performance tests (p < 0.01), relative to the SWU and NWU. There were no significant differences between the SWU and NWU for the medicine ball throw and the T-shuttle run, but the SWU was associated with better scores on the 5-step jump (p < 0.01). Because the results of this study indicate a relative performance enhancement with the DWU, the utility of warm up routines that use static stretching as a stand-alone activity should be reassessed.
Duke Scholars
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Related Subject Headings
- Sport Sciences
- Physical Fitness
- Physical Endurance
- Muscle Stretching Exercises
- Military Personnel
- Male
- Humans
- Female
- Analysis of Variance
- Adult
Published In
Publication Date
Start / End Page
Related Subject Headings
- Sport Sciences
- Physical Fitness
- Physical Endurance
- Muscle Stretching Exercises
- Military Personnel
- Male
- Humans
- Female
- Analysis of Variance
- Adult